Making a game can be an expensive proposition. But it doesn’t have to be. There are many different ways that you can make a game on a budget. You can use free software and tools, or find affordable alternatives. And if you’re short on ideas, there are plenty of free game engines and tutorials online that can help you get started. So don’t let a lack of money stop you from making your dream game!
What are some ways to make a game on a budget
There are many ways to write a game without spending too much money. The first step is to find as many free tools as possible. In addition to being free, these tools should be able to do as much as possible. This will help reduce the amount of time you have to spend learning how to use them and keep you focused on actually making your game. Also consider what you already own, like computers and other devices. For example, if you have an Android phone or tablet, you can use its motion sensors to make games for that platform.
Free game creation tools
As far as the actual game creation goes, many free tools are available that allow you to edit assets. If you’re a good artist, you can use a pencil and paper or a free image editor to draw your art. And if you’re not an artist, don’t worry! A lot of sites offer free graphics for you to use. Most site licenses allow personal use, so feel free to download these images and incorporate them into your own games!
For example, Pex for Games is a free site with many graphics for you to use in your own games. The site has tutorials and an active forum, so if you get stuck on something, there are plenty of people who can help!
For really advanced users, Blender and GIMP offer free tools that can be used to create 3 D models and textures.
Tablet apps can be a really easy way to create games that you can play on your phone or tablet, if it has motion sensors. Some popular examples of tablet apps are Doodle Jump, Fish Out Of Water!, and Jetpack Joyride. These types of games don’t require much programming knowledge at all, so they ‘re a great way to get started.
Check out free tutorials
If you’re having trouble making games for certain platforms, there are also many free tutorials that can help you out. Check out Stencyl (for Flash or iOS), Indie Game Sim (for HTML5 and Adobe Flash), or the Game Maker Tutorials for beginners who want to learn how to make 2 D games with Game Maker.
Finally, it’s important to remember all the free tools and software that are available for game development. Many paid programs offer free trial versions of their software, or have affordable educational licenses. For example, Unity has a free version (or even cheaper if you’re an educator), 3 D Game Studio (which is comparable to the more expensive 3 D Studio Max) is available for $40, and adobe creative cloud is $30 a month.
Why making games can be expensive and how to work around it
However, even with all of these free tools and software, it can still be expensive to actually get started making games. Many game engines require that you have a certain computer or device in order to run them. For example, some popular engines like Unity require either Windows 7 or Mac OSX 10.6.5+. This means you need an expensive computer just to get started.
Another issue is that lots of assets for games require a lot of money to obtain, such as 3 D models and textures. Some companies will even ask for thousands of dollars or more if you want to use their assets in your game. And this doesn’t include the cost of actually making the model and texturing it.
Crowd funding to the rescue!
Luckily, that’s where crowd funding comes in. Just like how Kickstarter helped fund game development that was not possible otherwise (such as Double Fine Adventure), you can use it too! People who really want to make games will be more than happy to contribute money towards your project, if they believe in it and think it’s a good idea.
This is especially true if you offer them something in return, such as backer rewards. For example, if someone donates $25 to your project, you might give them access to early builds of your game or an exclusive behind the scenes look at its development! This way, everyone wins: You get the money you need to make your game, and donors get something in return for helping you.
So don’t let a lack of money stop you from making your dream game! With free software, tools, tutorials, and crowd funding, it’s possible to make your very own video game. So what are you waiting for?