Creating video games is a complex process that can involve many different people and tools. In order to create the best possible games, it’s important to use the right tools for the job. This article will discuss some of the most common workflow tools used in game development and how they can help you create better games faster.
1. What is a workflow tool and what does it do
A workflow tool is any software or system that helps you perform specific tasks in the development process. For example, a version control system (VCS) makes it easy to collaborate with your team members by keeping track of different versions of files and enabling them to be easily shared between teammates. An asset management system (AMS) lets you find all of your game assets used in the development process so that you don’t have to waste time hunting them down. Workflow tools are generally designed with specific types of tasks in mind, so it’s important to choose the right tool for the task at hand.
2. Why use a workflow tool for game development
Workflow tools are essential to game development for three main reasons. First, they can help teams organize files and keep track of their changes. This is important because most video games require many different assets that need to be created by a number of different people who may need to work on the same assets simultaneously. Without proper organization, you could end up with a lot of chaos and wasted time.
Second, workflow tools enable you to track changes made by different team members; this makes it much easier to see who has been working on what and to determine if certain edits conflict with other people’s work. Third, workflow tools can help you automate processes that would otherwise be time-consuming or laborious.
3. Types of workflow tools
There are many different types of workflow tools, each with their own set of features and uses. Here is a list of the most common types: Version Control System (VCS): A version control system (VCS) lets you keep track of project versions and make sure that everyone on your team has access to the most up-to-date version of any given file. It also lets you easily revert any changes made by mistake or share files with other team members. Without a VCS, it would be extremely difficult to keep track of file versions or make sure that everyone on your team has access to the latest updates.
Asset Management System (AMS): An asset management system (AMS) lets you quickly locate any game assets used in the development process. This enables you to avoid having to spend time looking for files when creating new elements, which will let you work more efficiently. It also lets you share files with different team members.
4. How to choose which one is right for you based on your needs
Whether you use an asset management system, a version control system or both will depend on your specific development needs and the tools that your team is already using. Here are some questions to consider when choosing between VCS and AMS: Do we have people constantly working on different versions of the same files? If so, then a version control system is a good choice. Do we need to easily share files with other team members? If so, then an asset management system is a better option. Are important assets stored in different places around the office or online? If so, then you will need both a VCS and an AMS to keep track of everything.
Some examples of VCS & AMS
Version Control Systems: Git, SVN
Asset Management Systems: Perforce, Bitbucket
Using version control and asset management together
To maximize efficiency, many developers choose to use both a version control system and an asset management system. This makes it easy to track versions and share files with team members while still having good access to all of your assets.
5. Workflow tools can help you create better games faster
The main benefit of workflow tools is that they let you create and organize your project files in a way that makes sense for your specific development needs. Having well-organized project files will streamline the game development process and save time and money by preventing things like lost files, mistakes due to the same file being updated on different computers and having to wait for other team members to share files.
Google docs is a good example of a workflow tool that is extremely helpful in the game development process, especially when working with a team. It allows you to share and edit documents online in real time so that everyone on your team always has access to up-to-date project materials. It’s especially useful when writing video game scripts.
Another good example is a cloud storage service like Dropbox, which you can use to share large files with other team members without taking up too much space on everyone’s computers.
6. Conclusion
Workflow tools can help you create better games faster by making it easier for you to manage your projects and assets efficiently. These tools come in many different types, but the two main ones are version control systems and asset management systems. Usually, it is best to use both of them together in order to get the highest efficiency. But whether you choose to use one or both will depend on your specific development needs.
As always, pick what works best for your game design needs.